Thursday, August 23, 2012

My Reviews: Sherlock - Season 2

I previously wrote a review of Sherlock season 1, and I loved it. Now I'm moving onto season 2.

I first watched it online off the BCC (or PBS, I forget where it was) website, where it was available for a short period of time. The quality wasn't great, but hey it was free. More recently, I acquired it on DVD from my library, so I could watch it again and pay more attention. As was the case in season 1, I enjoyed the season greatly. That being said, I probably enjoyed the first one better.
I still won't go into details on the plots, it's still mystery-oriented (obviously) and I still believe you shouldn't know too much about mystery plots going into the show. I'm told that the three episodes they did for this season were adaptations of three of the most popular Sherlock Holmes stories. I've never actually read them, though. They definitely went down the darker route, and made Sherlock almost an unlikeable character at times. They also delved deeper into the characters, fleshing out the relationships of Sherlock and Mycroft. At times, though, I felt Watson's character development was put on hold.

The first episode of the season went way over my head the first time I watched it. It might have been just because I was watching it in my living room while my dad and brother were watching sports on the TV... but the story WAS complicated. BUT.... the last episode was just. Pure. AMAZING. The ending had me glued to the screen, and that's actually hard to do for me! I'm struggling not to give away any spoilers in this review, but just trust me: It's done very well, and I hate having to wait for the next season!

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