Tuesday, August 21, 2012

It is a sad day...

Yesterday, I drew a picture of Dwight Schrute from The Office. Today, I scanned it, colored it on the computer and uploaded it to my comic blog, www.samscomicrelief.blogspot.com. A few hours later, I pulled up twitter on my ipod and I saw Rain Wilson (Dwight) tweeted that NBC just announced that they were going to end the show with the season they are currently filming.

I am saddened by this news. While I wasn't real big on seasons 6 or 7, and I haven't even seen season 8 yet, I do love the show. A few weeks ago, I had a conversation with my friend Sarah about which seasons were the best. I had said seasons 3-5, but she said seasons 2-3. We at least agreed on season 3. lol.

I started watching the show back last December. I didn't really care for season 1 that much, but when I got Season 2 out, I loved it. Seasons 3 through 5 (like I said above) were my favorites, but seasons 6-7 weren't as good. At first I HATED Michael Scott. He was just too much of an idiot for me. However, when season 7 rolled around and Steve Carrel was leaving the show, I LOVED Michael Scott and I couldn't believe it. I've only seen three or four episodes without him, and (without having seen the 8th season) I couldn't and can't see the show the same way without him. I have doubts about season 8 and 9, and I knew the show couldn't last that much longer.

But still... the show was amazing while it lasted.

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