Thursday, June 7, 2012

my reviews - Sherlock, season 1

I've loved the adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes that starred Robert Downey Jr., and when I heard about this British television series version of Sherlock Holmes that was set in modern times, I was skeptical. Eventually, I was bored one night browsing Netflix and came across Sherlock. I didn't watch it then, I decided to watch The Office. But I kept thinking about Sherlock and the next day I went and watched the first episode. As soon as episode 1 ended, I started episode 2. Then 3. I was very disappointed that the first season only had three episodes... I loved it.
The writing is good. The acting is good. The cinematography is good.  All in all, the show is good. I'm not going to say a whole lot about the plots in this review, because in my opinion, you shouldn't know too much about mystery films (and shows) before watching them.

As is the case with all shows I watch for the first time, I was unsure of whether or not I would like it, but as I've already said, I did. The thing I was most unsure about at first was Sherlock himself. Played by Benedict Cumberbatch, he actually looks a bit weird at first, but I soon got over it, and he plays the part extremely well. He actually rivals Robert Downey Jr., and I never thought that was possible.

You can't have Sherlock Holmes without his faithful follower, Dr. Watson. This may have been the thing that peaked my interest, because Watson is played by actor Martin Freeman, who is also set to play the lead role in the only movie coming out this year that I'm interested in, "The Hobbit". He is also a great Watson and I think he will make a great Bilbo Baggins.

The fact that the show takes place in modern times does not hinder the story element at all. If anything, it compliments it. They don't make a big deal about it (like most films that are adapted in modern times do), it's all about the mysteries, and all about Sherlock and Watson. The mysteries themselves are well thought out and always keep you thinking. I didn't figure them out until the end, and I love it when that happens! I cannot wait to see season 2!
Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes and Martin Freeman as John Watson

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