Saturday, June 30, 2012

From the Vaults: Original Climax Sequence from "Sam's Comics: The Movie"

The climax of the script was drastically different from the climax in the final film. pretty much every character was part of it, but when push came to shove, it was pretty much just Carl, Heavy, Bailey, and myself for the majority of it. Scheduling was a major problem, and it lead to one of my favorite sequences being dropped: The reconciliation scene between Kenzie and Molly. Here is the how the entire climax should have ended.
Still of Bailey Freemire (left) and Sam Shenberger (right) in "Sam's Comics: The Movie" (2011)

Open on SAM, LINDSAY, and NICK standing in a field. LINDSAY is looking through a pair of binoculars at several large storehouse buildings. She lowers them and passes them to SAM, who takes a look.

LINDSAY: That’s it.

SAM: That’s the old abandoned store house, isn’t it?

SAM lowers the binoculars and passes them to NICK.

LINDSAY: I scouted out the place, and Jack has Bailey in the long garage building.

NICK: You scouted it out? How did you…?

LINDSAY: (cutting NICK off) Ninja.

NICK: Oh right.

LINDSAY: (to Sam) You got the plan?

SAM: I think so.

LINDSAY begins to walk away, but SAM stops her.

SAM: Lindsay? (looks at her seriously) Jack’s probably gonna kill me, isn’t he?


SAM: Tell me the truth. What are my odds?

LINDSAY: (after a pause) 60 to 40.

SAM: That I live?

LINDSAY: More or less.

NICK is looking from SAM to LINDSAY, with a shocked face.

NICK: Is it that serious?

LINDSAY: It’s dead serious.

SAM: (agitated) Don’t say that!

LINDSAY: (to SAM) Just keep Jack talking. I’ll come in as fast as I can to help you.

SAM: (nervously) Alright.

LINDSAY: You’ll do fine. I believe in you.

She walks off screen. NICK comes over to him, but can’t figure out what to say.

NICK: I’m sorry I didn’t believe you.

SAM: I’m sorry, too. If this is… (stutters) If I really… (sighs) I’ll do my best not to die.

NICK: You better.

SAM reaches out his hand. NICK takes it and pulls SAM into a one-armed hug. LINDSAY clears her throat.

LINDSAY: Break it up, we’re on a schedule here.

NICK: I had no idea she was this hard.

SAM: (rubs the back of his neck) You’ve got no idea.

NICK: Good luck.

SAM: You too.

SAM goes and walks away off screen. The scene cuts to KENZIE and MOLLY, who are hiding behind something, peeking over to look at the long garage building LINDSAY had been showing SAM earlier. MOLLY lowers her phone.

MOLLY: Ryan and Rachael still won’t pick up there phones, so I left them a message.

SAM: Okay.

KENZIE: How are we supposed to get past those guys?

She gestures in the direction of the building. There are several men standing outside the entrance.

SAM: Lindsay and Nick are going to take care of them so we can get in. Once we’re in, you two get 
Bailey, get the car, and get her out. Understand?

MOLLY: What about Jack? He’s gotta be in there?

SAM: I’m going to have to face him myself.

KENZIE: Ok, that sounds easy enough.

MOLLY: You’re facing Jack alone?

SAM: Yeah.

MOLLY: I’ll help you!

SAM: No, Molly, you help Kenzie. Once you have Bailey, the three of you get as far away from here as 
you can. I don’t want anything to happen to you.

MOLLY: (looking at SAM) I’m scared.

SAM: Don’t worry. You know, if you’re always afraid of the unknown, you’ll never learn to progress in life. The time has come for us to step up, face our fears, and learn that the only thing holding us back… is ourselves.

KENZIE: …And the guys with guns behind us.

SAM and MOLLY look around. Two henchmen are standing there, pointing their guns at them. The scene fades out to black. It fades back in, showing the three of them all tied up to chairs inside the barn. AARON is standing guard over them.

KENZIE: How do you always get us into these situations?

MOLLY: Do you think Nick got away?

KENZIE: Who knows… who knows if we’re gonna get out of this, and it’s all your fault, Sam!

MOLLY: It’s not Sam’s fault!

SAM: No, Molly, she’s right. It’s my fault. My fault in the long run…

MOLLY: What do you mean?

SAM: I let my own feelings get in the way. When Jack started spreading those rumors, I began acting on my emotions instead of the way I knew was right. I began making the wrong decisions, and my credibility was compromised because I was acting like a fool.

MOLLY: I don’t get what you’re saying.

SAM: If I hadn’t started acting like a fool, I might not have lost my credibility, and you guys might have believed me when I told you guys that Jack was a crook. But I didn’t, and now, who knows what’s gonna happen to us. We don’t even know where Bailey is, or if she’s still alive, we don’t know what’s happened to Nick… And I could have stopped this whole thing.

KENZIE stares at him, obviously bewildered.

MOLLY: But Sam, if you had trusted Jack like the rest of us, this whole situation would have happened anyway, and it probably would have happened sooner. If anything, you standing up to him delayed him long enough for the truth to be revealed in the nick of time.

KENZIE: Geez, I know we’re in one of those situations where your whole life flashes before your eyes, but this… You two think too much, ya weirdoes.

SAM: You’re right, Kenzie. Maybe I am just a big stupid weirdo who can’t do anything right.

SAM hangs his head and sighs in despair. KENZIE and MOLLY watch him, unsure of what to say, finally, MOLLY speaks up.

MOLLY: Sam, a very wise man once told me something about being weird. He said that being weird is just having quirks, and that everyone in the world has quirks. It made me remember that nobody in this world is perfect, only one ever was. And then that made me remember that everyone in the world makes mistakes. We’re all a little weird in our own way.

SAM looks up at her, touched by what MOLLY has said. AARON the guard is listening too, watching out of the corner of his eye.

MOLLY: For some, it’s just a way of coping with reality.

KENZIE is watching with a surprised look on her face at both SAM’s remorse and her sister’s wisdom.

SAM: (actually teary eyed, but smiling with pride at MOLLY) You would pull a roles-reversed moment like that.

MOLLY smiles back, but AARON the guard suddenly speaks up.

AARON: I can’t take this anymore!

The captured trio looks around to see AARON the guard, who is visibly touched by their story. He comes forward and unties SAM.

AARON: Go. Go help your friend.

SAM stands up and looks at AARON, who goes to untie MOLLY and KENZIE.

SAM: Why are you helping us?

AARON: I’ve never been sure if joining Jack was the right choice and I know now that I made the wrong decision. But I can’t take it anymore! Your friend is being held in another barn across the field, guarded by Jack himself. Go while there’s still time!

SAM: (after a short pause) Come with us.

AARON: I can’t, but I might be able to help you. I’ll try to draw Jack away from the barn and give you enough time to get in and rescue her.

SAM: What will happen to you when Jack finds out you helped us?

AARON: Who knows, but whatever happens, I probably deserve it. I’m not a good person.

MOLLY: You did something real good just now.

SAM steps forward and holds out his hand. AARON shakes it.

SAM: Thank you, sir.

AARON: Don’t thank me yet. C’mon.

AARON leads the way out of the barn. KENZIE comes up to SAM as AARON checks to see if the coast is clear.

KENZIE: Man, you were almost crying back there.

SAM: I can’t help it, I’m an emotional guy. What would you have done in my shoes?

KENZIE looks at him and smiles, one of the first times we’ve seen KENZIE smile kindly in the film.

KENZIE: I’d have been bawling.

SAM smiles back at KENZIE and the two of them follow AARON outside. The scene cuts away to NICK, who is running out in the field. He is now being chased by two henchmen, and is running out of energy.

NICK: I would so win if I was running track right now…

Open on the second barn that BAILEY is being held in. SAM, AARON, MOLLY, and KENZIE are all hiding behind something, looking up at it.

AARON: There it is. Jack is up on the second floor. Sam, you come in with me and hide. Once I get Jack outside, run up to the second floor and get your friend out. Good luck.

SAM: Thanks, you too.

They get up and head stealthily towards the barn.

MOLLY: I wanna go too!

KENZIE holds her back.

KENZIE: Nah, he wants to be the hero, let him do it.

SAM and AARON enter the barn. Quietly, SAM hides behind something as AARON goes upstairs. JACK is standing there with a large gun. BAILEY is tied and gagged to a chair.

JACK: What are you doing here, Aaron?

AARON: I need you to come with me. I think you should see this.

JACK: Why?

AARON: It’s important, sir.

From his hiding place, SAM hears JACK and AARON coming down the stairs and exit the barn.  He waits a second, then gets out and hurries up the stairs. BAILEY sees him and gives a muffled cry of excitement. Meanwhile outside, KENZIE and MOLLY watch from their hiding place as JACK and AARON pass by.

JACK: What is it that’s so important that you had to show me?

AARON: It’s just ahead here, sir…

JACK suddenly stops.

JACK: Wait a minute… Randy told me that you were guarding the hostages!

AARON: What?

JACK: (realizing what’s happening) You traitor!

JACK hits AARON as hard as he can over the head with his gun. MOLLY gasps loudly as AARON falls to the ground. JACK turns and runs back to the barn.

MOLLY: We’ve got to do something!

MOLLY tries to get up, but KENZIE pulls her back down. Unfortunately, they were spotted by a stray henchman. They run for their lives. Cut to SAM untying BAILEY from the chair. The gag comes off last.


SAM: C’mon, we gotta get you out of here.

They hurry to the staircase, but BAILEY suddenly shouts and points out the window.


JACK is running back to the barn. SAM turns around and puts both of his hands on her shoulders.

SAM: (urgently) Bailey, run! Your sisters are outside waiting for you.

BAILEY: What about you?

SAM: I’ll try to hold him off as long as I can.

BAILEY: But he might kill you!

SAM: Please, Bailey! I’ll be alright; I just want you to be safe. I came all this way to get you out of here, just don’t let yourself get captured again, okay?

BAILEY nods. JACK comes up as BAILEY exits through another door. SAM turns and faces him.

JACK: You again!

SAM: Me again.

JACK: I seriously underestimated you, Sam.

SAM: (trying to keep Jack talking as long as possible) A lot of people do that.

JACK: Well, it looks like it’s come down to this.

SAM: It has.

JACK: Let’s finish this.

JACK takes off his shirt. SAM does likewise, but when he looks up after taking it off, JACK is very muscular-looking. SAM looks down at his own skin-and-bones body and gulps nervously. They both adopt fighting stances. Another fist fight of even greater ferocity breaks out. The fight is intercut with KENZIE and MOLLY, both of whom are running from the henchman who spotted them. Suddenly, MOLLY runs one way and KENZIE runs another. KENZIE doesn’t realize it right away and keeps running. The henchman follows MOLLY, but MOLLY doesn’t realize it. Suddenly, she stops as she sees someone ahead. BAILEY is running away from the barn, but yet another henchman has spotted her. Silently from behind MOLLY, the henchman creeps up and grabs her. MOLLY struggles harshly, but cannot escape his grip.


The henchman looks to his left, where KENZIE is standing next to him, a look of determination on her face.

KENZIE: Get your hands off my little sister, punk!

KENZIE punches him right in the jaw. MOLLY takes advantage of this and kicks him between the legs. He falls groaning.

MOLLY: Thanks, Kenz.

KENZIE: What are big sisters for?

MOLLY holds out her arms and hugs KENZIE.

MOLLY: I love you, Kenzie.

KENZIE: (smiling) I love you too, Moll.

They break apart. KENZIE puts her hand on MOLLY’s shoulder.

KENZIE: C’mon, let’s go find everyone else.

Cut to the fight between SAM and JACK. JACK has gained the upper hand in the fight and SAM goes crashing to the floor. JACK stands over him and pulls out a pistol, but as he points it at SAM; somebody comes up behind JACK and whacks him over the head with a plank (or something). JACK falls sideways, unconscious, revealing SAM’s savior.

SAM: Ryan!

From behind RYAN, RACHAEL comes into view.

RACHAEL: I’m here too.

RYAN holds out his hand. SAM takes it and RYAN pulls him to his feet.

RYAN: I got your message and came as quickly as I could. Listen, man, there was always a part of me that wanted to believe you, but…

He can’t think of what to say.

SAM: Started thinking with your heart, huh?

RYAN: (smiles) Yeah. There’s not much I can say other than I’m sorry.

SAM: I don’t tell you this often enough, but you’re my best friend and I love you. But not in a gay way.

RYAN: I love you too, man.

SAM pulls RYAN in and gives him a hug. From behind them, RACHAEL pulls a sick face. SAM notices and comes towards her with his arms outstretched to embrace her.

SAM: I love you too, Rachael…

RACHAEL takes a step back, grimacing.

RACHAEL: No! Put your shirt back on before you hug me!

RYAN: Now what are we gonna do with this little son of a-?

He looks down, but JACK is no longer there.

RYAN: Where’d he go?

SAM: Dunno, let’s go find him.

SAM and RYAN exit the barn to see that LINDSAY and everyone else have rounded up the henchmen. KENZIE, MOLLY, and NICK stand there next to them, laughing and joking at their success. AARON is standing holding an icepack to his head, not tied up.

LINDSAY: Well Sam, you might have blown plan A, but you improvised well.

SAM: Thanks.

LINDSAY: That was sarcasm.

SAM: Oh.

RYAN: Where’s Bailey?

KENZIE: I saw her briefly. She ran out that way towards the field.

SAM: Where’s Jack?

NICK: I thought I saw him run out that way.

NICK points in the same direction as KENZIE. The realization that JACK went the same way that BAILEY went dawns on all their faces a split-second later. SAM suddenly dashes forward as fast as his feet can carry him.

LINDSAY: Sam! Wait!!

SAM doesn’t listen. Cut to the field. BAILEY has stopped running, thinking she is safe in the field. She doesn’t realize that JACK, with his large gun, is hiding behind something a short distance away. In slow motion, JACK comes out from behind the tractor as a heartbeat sound effect plays in increasing tempo as the following events happen. BAILEY slowly turns around and sees him as he points the gun at her. Still in slow motion, SAM is running into the field. He opens his mouth and shouts “No!”, but no audio is heard. The gun fires at the exact same moment that SAM runs up, grabs BAILEY, and pulls her to the ground. The normal speed resumes. JACK attempts to fire again, but the gun jams. BAILEY picks herself up but SAM doesn’t move. Panicky, she rolls him over onto his back and puts her hand to his throat, feeling for his pulse. JACK throws the gun to the ground in frustration and shouts out at BAILEY, who trips and falls back down in shock.

JACK: You only just escaped that one! This time you won't be so lucky!

SAM: Jack! Wait!

SAM suddenly gets up with both hands held out in front of him. Then he pulls the necklace out of his pocket. JACK lowers his gun slightly.

SAM: This is what you want, isn’t it? You can have it. Just let us all go, and it’s yours.

JACK: You all know too much. I can’t have you running right to the authorities and blabbing.

SAM: Oh, I don’t think you’ll need to worry about that.

JACK looks at him confused, but then AARON comes in, grabs JACK from behind, and hits Jack on the back of his head with JACK's gun. JACK goes limp in his arms and he drags him away off screen. SAM watches as JACK is carried away. It’s now just SAM and BAILEY in the field. BAILEY is a short distance away from SAM with her back to him, watching as the sun begins to set. SAM slowly walks towards her.

SAM: Bailey? (short pause) I know you’re still sore at me. Heck, I’d be too if I were you. I’ve done some pretty bad things over the past few weeks; things I’m not proud of, but I did them and I can’t change the fact that I did them.  If you could find it in your heart to forgive me…?

He reaches out to put his hand on her shoulder, but she turns away. SAM stops dead in his tracks, a look of utmost sorrow on his face. He nods and turns around to walk away. As he does, BAILEY also turns around and watches him go with a strange look on her face. After a second, she finally cries out.


SAM turns around to see her running at him. She almost jumps on him in a hug. Sam hugs back.

BAILEY: I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!

SAM: I’m sorry too. It’s all over now.

SAM lets go of BAILEY and pulls out the necklace again.

SAM: I think this is yours.

BAILEY: (snorts) Ya think?

SAM puts the chain over her head. She pulls her hair through it and they hug again as the soundtrack music swells. It ends abruptly with a record scratching sound as gagging noise comes from off screen.

KENZIE: Blargh!

SAM and BAILEY turn around to see KENZIE, MOLLY, NICK, RACHAEL, and RYAN all standing there watching. All of them are smiling and laughing at them except for Kenzie, who is pulling a comical sick face and miming vomiting.

SAM: (laughing at the situation, pretending to sound annoyed) How long have you guys been standing there?

KENZIE: Long enough. Will you two get on with it?

SAM and BAILEY both smile at KENZIE as BAILEY leans in and puts her head on SAM’s shoulder.

SAM: (laughing) You little nasty!

They laugh for a few seconds longer, then the shot cuts to the group walking back to their cars. NICK, MOLLY, and RACHAEL are leading, while KENZIE, RYAN, SAM, and BAILEY come up behind them.

NICK: Whew! What a day! I don’t know about you, but I could really go for some ice cream right now.

MOLLY: Oh my gosh, me too!

RACHAEL: Me three, let’s go to Dairy Queen.

KENZIE, RYAN, SAM, and BAILEY shake their heads at them. BAILEY stops and SAM turns and looks at her.

SAM: You okay?

BAILEY: (nods) Yeah. It’s been a rough day.

SAM: (snorts) Understatement of the year!

KENZIE: No kidding.

RYAN: Yeah. C’mon, ice cream will make you feel better.

KENZIE and RYAN start walking again. BAILEY shakes her head.

BAILEY: So that’s it? Everything just goes back to normal? Exactly the way it was?

SAM: Maybe not exactly.

BAILEY: What do you mean?

SAM leans in and kisses her on the forehead as they continue walking again. Cut to KENZIE and NICK, who are watching. Now it’s KENZIE’s turn to shake her head.

KENZIE: ‘Bout time.

NICK: No kidding.

SAM and BAILEY join the others (who stopped to wait for them) and they all walk away into the distance. The shot fades away to a piece of paper with the scene just shown drawn on it on top of a paper stack. SAM’s hand comes in and draws a few more details on it, then pulls the paper off the top of the stack to a blank sheet. SAM’s hand comes back in and writes the words “The End” on it. Fade out to end credits.