Sunday, December 30, 2012

My top 5 (pre)2012 movies that I saw this year

This is my top 5 list of movies that have been out for a while, but I just had not yet seen


5. BATMAN (1989)
The movie series that preceded the now blockbuster "Dark Knight" trilogy. Directed by Tim Burton and starring Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson, it shows the struggle between Bruce Wayne (who has already become Batman, though I got the idea that he hadn't been Batman for very long) and Jack Napier, who becomes The Joker.

I watched the movies in this series completely out of sequence, and this was actually the last one that I watched (because the library didn't have this one on shelf). This has got to be the least Tim Burton-esque film I've ever seen, there wasn't a whole lot of the usual things you'd see in his movies. It was a bit of an unusual film, but I kinda liked that it was different. Burton's good at that. What did kinda surprise me a lot was that Wayne/Batman is seemingly absent from most of the movie, and that was what intrigued me the most. The story was mostly told through other people's POV.

4. THOR (2011)
Super hero movies are all the rage nowadays, and to be honest, I only watched this at first because I knew Thor would be in The Avengers. It's the typical story of a young heir-to-the-throne god-like prince who is too arrogant, gets himself banished and must learn his place in the place he doesn't belong: Earth.

I did enjoy the movie, however, and was amused by how Natalie Portman's acting actually didn't suck as bad as I was expecting. Then again, she wasn't being a lame character *cough cough* Padme *cough cough*. Also, Patrick Doyle did the music for it, and I love Patrick Doyle's music.

Captain America: The First Avenger is ironically the last Avenger movie released before The Avengers movie came out. Steve Rogers is chosen for a World War II military experiment that turns him into the only successful super soldier, who goes head to head against a failed super soldier test subject who leads the Nazi cult Hydra.

At first I wasn't sure if I liked it or not, because it looked too modern to be set in the 1940s, but eventually I was able to separate it out and just enjoy it for what it was worth. The ending was not a Hollywood Ending, and I actually like it when movies don't end like most movies.

2. TITANIC (1997)
I actually remember when this movie came out. I was six, so I obviously didn't see it then. It has been on my mental to-watch list for a while, and I finally got round to seeing it. It's the three hour long fictional story of a true story that follows a wealthy young lady whose world is shaken up (literally) when she meets a lower class wanna-be artist... and of course by the whole shipwreck thing.

Even though I had to watch it over a period of three days, I still enjoyed the movie very much. I did not expect it to be three hours long... guess I didn't read up on it enough. This is the first Leonardo DiCaprio movie that I saw, but as you'll see, I saw another Leo movie too.

1. INCEPTION (2010)
I have been hearing about this movie, and hearing about this movie, and hearing about this movie for two whole years. I finally decided to watch it after my friend Brandon and I were talking about it. He had seen it and liked it, and when I went to the library the next day, there it was on the shelf. So naturally I picked it up. Christopher Nolan, the genius behind The Prestige and The Dark Knight movies helms this original story (Nolan mostly does adaptations of books/comic books), brings you the engaging and driving story of how dreams become reality in the mind of the dreamer.... it's kinda hard to explain.

The first Nolan movie I ever saw was The Prestige, and I loved the way he approached the mystery, and Inception is a lot like that. It follows a more linear storyline than Prestige, which jumped around POVs and timelines, but I would say the intrigue level is just as high. I still kinda like The Prestige better, but Inception is more than worth seeing. Twice.

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