Thursday, September 27, 2012

On The Road

Yesterday, my family and I took a one-day trip over to Leclaire, Iowa to do some antiquing (a family favorite). This town has been made famous by the television show, American Pickers. For those of you who haven't seen this show, it's about these two guys who "travel the back roads of America looking for rusty gold". They search all over for antiques they can buy and sell, with the help of Danielle, who keeps their shop (Antique Archaeology) and sends them leads.
While we were there, we got to go to the store where the show is filmed. While we didn't meet Mike, Frank, or Dannie, we did get to see several items that we saw them buy on the show. It was really cool, and for me, it was just about as cool as seeing the Harry Potter exhibition a few years ago, or when the Star Wars costumes and props were on display in Toledo when I was a kid. We also think we saw Mike's car downtown!

Also while I was in Iowa, I shot a short film in our hotel room. Busted out my new Antique Archaeology tee for it. :)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Questions and Answers: Chronicles of the Chronicler (series)

WARNING: This Q&A contains plot spoilers!

Q: What is "The Fallen Order"?

A: The title of the first season is somewhat unexplained, but "The Fallen Order" refers to the Toa. At the start of the film, the Toa have all disappeared. It is revealed in Episode 2 that the most of them have died. Takua, Pohatu, and Onua are still alive, but Takua has shirked his responsibilities as Toa, Pohatu has been possessed by the dark side, and Onua is in hiding. The order of the Toa has apparently fallen and has been fallen for quite some time. In the end of the film, both Onua and Pohatu die, but Takua returns as Toa, restoring this Order to a fraction of its former glory.

Q: How closely do these stories tie in to the original Bionicle story lines?

A: There are varying degrees of faithfulness to the source material. The first one starts off utterly defying the real story lines by saying the Toa and some of the Turaga have died. The series also overlook the fact that it is very possible to bring a Bionicle back to life (this being most obvious in the first and third seasons, where all characters react as though it is impossible). The original 2003 Bionicle plot line killed Jaller, Takua, and Makuta all off, but brought them back. Also in the 2003 plot, the island of Mata-Nui was destroyed, and the Matoran were moved to the island of Metru-Nui. There are also several more Great Kanohi masks than the limited number mentioned in the second season (which were limited to just the Toa Nuva masks, the Toa Metru Masks, the Mask of Time, and the masks of Takua and Makuta).
However, every single character in the series came from the original stories (with the only exception of Altair in "The Lost World") with their original personalities in tact (the only exceptions are Brander, Boras, and Aft; none of whom had personalities in the original stories). The Toa characters have more flaws than in the original stories, but the core characteristics are grounded in the source material. All of the original terms (such as Rahi, Widgets, and Kanohi) were used too.
It can also be noted that in the third season, the Mask of Time creates an "alternate reality" scenario, so it's a little permissible to excuse these differences.

Q: Why does Vakama sound like Professor Snape from Harry Potter?

A: I did all of the voices in the first two seasons and most of them in the third season. When you have that many characters to do, you sometimes need to do some imitating of other voices to add some variety. For Vakama, I did an imitation of Alan Rickman's performance as Professor Severus Snape from the beloved film series based on J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter novels. Some viewers of this series seem to dislike this choice, but I really thought the voice suited the character.
Some other voices that were based on celebrities' voices are: Kongu - Billy Boyd, Whenua - Ray Winstone, Matau - George Harrison, Ehrye - Christan Bale (as Batman), Nuparu - Gordon Ramsey (only in "Masks of Power"), Matoro - Paul Lieberstein (only "Masks of Power"), Brander - Christopher Lee, Aft - Andy Serkis (as Gollum), Norik - Ian McKellen, Altair - Christopher Lloyd.
It can also be noted that Makuta's voice in the series is based heavily on Lee Tockar's performance of the character in the Bionicle motion pictures.

Q: Will there be any future installments of the COTC series?

A: No. The series is over. It had a definite ending that tied up the lose ends.
I'm not going to say that there won't be any spin-offs. I've got some ideas I'm considering (ONLY considering, nothing is definite).

Q: Why did several characters' voices change in the final season?

A: Hahli and Pohatu were voiced by Shannon Asprooth and Carl Mohr in this film. I didn't think the audience would get up in arms if an actual woman voiced Hahli instead of me, and all of Pohatu's lines in Season 1 were distorted given his condition and to sound more menacing. As for some of the other characters, the voices were changed for other reasons. I had a hard time recreating Matoro's, Onua's, and Hewkii's voices from the first two seasons. When I tried to do Matoro's, my voice kept squeaking and it sounded really bad. Onua's original voice I never really liked, but two years had passed between "Fallen Order" and "The Lost World", and I was having a hard time getting it to sound the same. Hewkii always presented a problem because in Season 1, I did his voice while recovering from a cold, so I had a hard time recreating it in Season 2 as well.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

MST3K Puppet rough sketches

I've been working on figuring out what the MST3K robots were A) made of and B) operated. It'd be fun to make my own replicas of them someday...