Sunday, July 1, 2012

Production Diary 7/1/12 - Chronicles of the Chronicler 3: The Lost World - voice overs prt 1

Today, I invited my good friend Shannon Asprooth over to my house to record a voice-over for Chronicles of the Chronicler: The Lost World. She will be playing the voice of Hahli the Chronicler (the title character). I of course have worked with her on several projects at MCC (both with the MCC Film Club and Drama Club), and I knew she could add a new level of depth to the character than I couldn't quite get when I voiced her in COTC 1 and 2 (Shannon obviously has the advantage of being a girl). She had played the role of Rachael Whittaker in "Sam's Comics: The Movie", and we actually played a couple for a Home Run Inn Pizza commercial the Film Club made for a contest.
When COTC 1 and 2 were in the production, my best friend Bailey Freemire was to play Hahli, but scheduling prevented it, and in the end, she was dropped in order for her to appear in "Comics".

Shannon also brought her boyfriend Frank Padour, who agreed to play another voice. Frank and I were friends too, and he agreed to play Tahu. He and I worked closely on drama club plays, and he brought a great sense of credibility to the role.

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