Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Why "Days of Future Past" has potential to be a great film (a trailer review of X-Men: Days of Future Past)

While it really hasn't been that long since the last movie in the "X-Men" franchise (since 2013's Wolverine or 2011's X-Men: First Class depending on if you take the Wolverine stand-alones into account), It feels like they are finally returning to the X-Men trilogy to me. Maybe it's because they are bringing back so many of the actors from the original three movies, maybe it's because I'm nostalgic that way... or it could just be the fact that I didn't like any of the movies past "Last Stand". Don't get me wrong, "First Class" was decent, but I felt it was too different from the others to be considered part of the series. All of that is about to change however, once this year's early summer blockbuster comes out... and I predict it to be a blockbuster. Why? Well let's find out why I think "Days of Future Past" has the potential to be the best X-Men movie since X2.

On an unrelated note, I just read the rumor that Disney wants to reboot the Indiana Jones franchise with Bradley Cooper playing Indy... I am disappointed by this news.

Back on topic, I see several reasons why DoFP has potential to be good. I'm going to start with the three most obvious reasons, using pics from the most recent trailer:

REASON #1: The return of Brian Singer as director

It's no real debate that of all the five X-Men movies so far, the first two (X-Men and X2: X-Men United) were the best. Some have even said that "X2" is better than "X-Men", and I happen to agree. But that's a debate for another time. But... there's something that can be said about the fact that Singer only directed the first two, and only the first two were considered to be great (again, "First Class" came close, but fell just short for me). "Last Stand" was directed by Bret Ratner and many people were severely disappointed by it. Many fans were equally if not even more up at arms over "X-Men Origins: Wolverine", which was directed by Gavin Hood. First Class was then directed by Matthew Vaughn, and "The Wolverine" by James Mangold. Now, X-Men are finally returning to the man who made them great: Brian Singer.
Patrick Stewart and Brian Singer on set of DoFP
REASON #2: The return of original X-Men Trilogy cast
Halle Berry, Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, and Ian McKellen in X-Men: Days of Future Past
Admit it. This is something we've all wanted. The only X-Men member who has been in every movie so far is Hugh Jackman's Wolverine, and even then he only had a ten-second cameo in "First Class". Sure, Patrick Stewart's Charles Xavier has had equally short cameos in two of the other films, and Ian McKellen's Magneto in one, but this movie brings them all back! Well, nearly all of them. Famke Janssen's Jean Grey and James Marsden's Cyclops won't make it as far as I know, since (spoilers) both characters died in "Last Stand". This time, all the important characters are coming back, including Halle Berry as Storm, Shawn Ashmore's Bobby Drake/Iceman, and Ellen Page's Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat. Even Anna Paquin returned for the film as Rogue, although sources say her only scene ended up being cut.

REASON #3: The merging of original X-Men and First Class casts
James McAvoy and Patrick Stewart as Charles Xavier in X-Men: Days of Future Past
"First Class" took the X-Men franchise in a different direction when it went back in time to focus on the relationship of young Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr (Magneto), and the formation of the X-Men. While it was a good movie over-all, "First Class" had some issues that tripped up the continuity of the other X-Men films. It featured James McAvoy as Charles Xavier, Michael Fassbender as Magneto, Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique, and Nicholas Hoult as Beast. Now, in "Days of Future Past", the original cast of the X-Men get together to send Wolverine back in time to fix something that went wrong in the past (hmmmmm?) to prevent terrible things that happen in the future. While I get the vibe from the trailer that more time will be spent with the "First Class" cast rather than the original cast, I still think this is a very smart move to pull both casts together. This makes for a diverse and star-studded cast on both ends. Plus there's that money shot in the trailer of James McAvoy and Patrick Stewart, as shown above.
James McAvoy/Patrick Stewart as Charles Xavier and Ian McKellen/Michael Fassbender as Magneto in X-Men: Days of Future Past
Now there are other reasons I think "Days of Future Past" will be great. For one, the time period they've chosen for the film highly intrigues me. They are involving Magneto and Mystique in the Kennedy assassination, and there seems to be some hints at the Vietnam War and Richard Nixon in the trailers as well.
Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique in X-Men: Days of Future Past.
I more or less already mentioned this reason while talking about the combining of the two casts, but I also look forward to the star-studded cast this film has to offer. A lot of my personal favorite actors are in this cast, including Hugh Jackman, Jennifer Lawrence, Patrick Stewart, and Ian McKellen. I've been a fan of Jackman ever since seeing "The Prestige", of Stewart since "Star Trek: Next Generation", of McKellen since "Lord of the Rings", and of Lawrence in general... I mean, c'mon. It's Jennifer Lawrence. She's hilarious just to watch apart from being a good actress.
Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Jennifer Lawrence, and Hugh Jackman in X-Men Days of Future Past
I know "Days of Future Past" was one of the original X-Men comics (or was it a graphic novel?), but I never read any of the comics. In that respect, I am viewing this at face-value just for what it is. In some ways I see that as a good thing. I have nothing to compare it to other than its previous films. As a film student, I can also analyze story elements from the trailer better than some, and what I see is effective in making me want to see it, more than just wanting to see it because it's the X-Men.
DoFP comes out May 23, 2014. I am planning on doing one of my Monthly Chronicle videos on my YouTube channel with my friend who knows more about X-Men than I do around the time the movie comes out, so if you're interested in seeing that, you should go subscribe to me! Here's the link to my channel: