Monday, December 23, 2013

Sam's Comics: The Christmas Special

I love it when my film making and my comic drawing cross over, and this holiday season, they have done so in a new way: Animation! Special thanks to Zach Jarom of Misconduct Films for doing a voice over!

Cast in order of speaking first:
Sam Shenberger - Sam
Shannon Asprooth - Shannon
Amelia DeWane - Amelia
Frank Padour - Frank
Zach Jarom - Zach
Sam Shenberger - Santa

Again, like I said on my Comics blog, Blogger/YouTube/Google is being buggy and I have to link it via URL.

Merry Christmas, one and all!

Saturday, December 14, 2013


Today, I finally got to shoot my first film school project. There's quite the story involved, let me tell you. It all started out as a horror film/comedy short, but evolved into something completely different and much more.

The original story was this: A young girl (Annie) and her friend (Claire) are watching horror films together. Annie makes fun of Claire for being afraid of the movies, saying "they're too fake". However, when she returns home that night to find her house empty and the lights not working, she begins to think she herself is stuck in a horror film. Just when she's the most afraid, the lights come back to reveal it was just a surprise birthday party. But wait! Plot twist, there WAS a killer in the house with her who now feels cheated out of killing her because of so many people.

That was the original. It turned from a house to a school due to location agreements. Then today when we got to filming it, we had to drop this story completely due to our actresses backing out. Determined not to back down, I wrote a new script on the train ride to the city and finished it before reaching the school. I'll wait to give you more details about the story until after I put it out, but here's a summery.

A girl cannot find the inspiration for her script, until a friend comes by and provides her with just the thoughts she needs.

The film stars myself and my assistant director, Amelia DeWane. She did an amazing job and I can't wait to share the whole film with you. In the meantime, here are some pictures: