Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Star Wars Episode VII?

George Lucas, famous for creating the beloved movie series "Star Wars" as well as "Indiana Jones" (aka my favorite movies ever) has sold LucasArts to Disney. Promptly, Disney has announced Star Wars Episode 7 to be in production for 2015.

I love Star Wars. It was my favorite movie series growing up, and I still love them as much as I did way back when, but as much of a fan as I am, I can see that there is a line that shouldn't be crossed. I'm not exactly looking forward to there being an Episode 7, because the story of the series was about Anakin Skywalker's journey becoming Darth Vader (the argument can be made that the Original Trilogy is about Luke, but big picture is about Vader) and the rise and fall of the Galactic Empire. Both Darth Vader and the Empire were defeated, so is there really any further story to tag onto this movie series? The established story arc was brought to a close.

another thing that bugs me is that the visual difference between the Original and Prequel trilogies are like night and day. The prequel trilogy is probably like 80% computer-generated (a good deal of Episode 1 was shot practically) as opposed to the Original Trilogy, which was probably 25% or less computer-generated. Adding another 80% or more computer-generated trilogy could potentially decrease the magic of the Original Trilogy. This pains me greatly.

All this being said, I'm still a fan of Star Wars. All I'm really trying to say is that while I will be interested to see the movie, I'm not jumping up in down in my seat for it.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

New Video - Don't Look or it Takes You

I've been trying to put together a Halloween video for a while now, and while the "Hotel of Horror" video I shot in my hotel in LeClaire Iowa does qualify as Halloween, it just wasn't doing it for me. That video was just something I put together on the spurs of the moment, and while shooting it I had no clue what it would end up being. This new video I shot last night takes the cake, and it deals with a computer game that's currently popular, "Slender: The Eight Pages". While I've never played the game myself, I've seen countless YouTube videos about it recently. "Don't Look or it Takes You" was an idea I was toying around with since the beginning of this month, possibly before then as well.

Don't Look or it Takes You

There are some subtle things in this video that refer to horror: In the tight shot of the flashlight being picked up and turned on, on the desk there is a "Pirates of the Caribbean" soundtrack box set (I highly recommend these scores, they're amazing) with the Skull and Crossbones on an angle, but still facing the camera. Also there is an "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" collector's glass that the light first shines on. Although it's barely visible, the top of a CD case for the soundtrack of "Titanic" is right below the flashlight. While "Titanic" is not a horror film, it still deals with the horrendous disaster of the Titanic.

Also, I did a Behind-The-Scenes video to compliment it. I don't normally spend the time to do BTS vids (most of the time, the making of process is quite boring), but since this one I had to do some more technique-related things, I figured it'd be worth my while. Little did I know that doing this BTS video would lead to me going to war against my old computer... but I won the battle.